Daily activity programme

We have had such a busy time at our activities over the last few weeks, we can barely keep up!

We have record numbers attending our art classes. Participants joined in, making keyrings, stained glass windows, Valentines Day cards, sensory collages, beach scenes and many more creations.

In Music & Movement we listened to all genres of music, but a highlight was definitely ‘the Beatles’ week where everyone had a huge amount of energy and the hall was alive with everyone singing along to ‘Yellow Submarine’, ‘Hey Jude’ and other epic hits.

In Drama, we have seen some fantastic performances, ranging from people pretending to be children and pirates, to us all going on adventures to pretend bowling alleys, swimming pools and gyms. We’ve been on holiday and to the beach and even acted out our reactions to nearly getting bitten by sharks!

On Fridays we dance the morning away and even though we sadly had to cancel one session due to the snow people certainly made up for it the next week with everyone ending up really sweaty and tired as no-one stood still!

We are really looking forward to what the next few weeks bring and can’t wait to see all our friends, old and new soon.

Mayors Jazz Evening

Following the success of the Jazz Evening, hosted by our Mayor, Cllr Victor Eni, in November last year, a repeat performance has been announced and tickets are selling fast. This tuneful evening, which includes a delicious 3 course meal, will take place 20th March, Fairway Hall, Borehamwood at 7pm.  Tickets cost: £25 with all profits to go to Hertsmere Mencap. Contact Lucy Sitton on 07770 746 655 to book your ticket.


Our new revamped website has launched. We encourage you to take a look to find the latest information and news from us. You can download forms and contacts us via the site.


Noah’s Ark

Planning for our Easter Play Scheme has begun and will run from 10th-16th April.  We are also seeking Play Assistants for this scheme. For more information on Noah’s Ark or to find out more about the job opportunities, contact Rochelle Gould, Play-scheme coordinator on 020 8906 2783.

February 2019 Newsletter

Adult Activities

Join us for a range of weekly activities, such as arts and crafts, dance aerobics, drama and social clubs or just a coffee and chat.

Holiday Club

The Holiday Club runs for one week at Easter and four weeks during the Summer holidays, Monday – Friday 10.00am – 2.00pm. We also hold activity days during the Christmas holidays.