Hertsmere Mencap Holiday Club Vacancies
Our Holiday Club runs during the Summer and Easter holidays. We are based in Borehamwood and cater for children aged 5 -16 years.
Play Assistants
We are looking for Play Assistants who are 18 years or over with enthusiasm, commitment and experience working with children who have a learning disabilities.
You can find the job description here
For further information or to apply please contact:
Susannah 07727 339066
Email: clubadmin@hertsmeremencap.org.uk
Hertsmere Mencap Vacancies
Daytime Volunteers
We are looking for daytime volunteers (18 years or over) with enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in working with adults with special needs.
You can find the job description here
Jubilee & Youth Club (Evening) Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to help out at our at our Evening Social Clubs, Jubilee Club on a Tuesday night and Youth Club on a Thursday night
You can find the job description here
Volunteer Mini bus Drivers
We are looking for Minibus Drivers to volunteer in the evenings, approximately 3hrs/per month and occasional daytimes
Job Description – Volunteer Minibus Driver
For further information please contact:
Karen 07938 722 619
Email: hdcomm@hertsmeremencap.org.uk